Friday, 15 May 2015

Okamino and Beyond

This appeared on my facebook page today. Although it is a couple of years old, the message is timeless.

The Health Benefits of Hiking

- See more at:

Did you know that a good number of British Columbians are still not active enough to receive health benefits?
This concerns me and drives my passion for health promotion through physical activity because inactivity is associated with a variety of health issues. Some of these issues include but aren't limited to: cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.
Regardless of the health issues associated with inactivity, the good news is that evidence shows physical activity helps prevent chronic disease, premature death, and improves health as well as quality of life. One great way to improve your health and to reduce chances of developing health concerns is to get outside and TAKE A HIKE!
Warning: Scheduling time into your weekend to go for a hike/walk in the woods with friends and family may lead to:
- Lower stress levels, improved mood, and enhanced mental wellbeing
- A reduced risk for heart disease
- Lower blood pressure
- Lower cholesterol levels
- Improved control over healthy weight
- Lower body fat
- Improved bone density
- Improved osteoarthritis outcomes
- Increases in flexibility and coordination
- A better quality of life
- Enhanced relationships with friends and family
If you're looking for trails in your area is the perfect resource!
If you're looking to speak with an exercise professional please contact the physical activity line.
Ps. I encourage you to share your favorite hikes with the community below to inspire movement!
Keep Positive, Keep Smiling, and TAKE A HIKE :)
- See more at:

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