Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Okamino and Beyond

HeArt Fit day and it is a special one as we're participating in a project led by the Kelowna Art Gallery.
In the meantime, Renata has brought a painting she's just completed and is pleased with...a happy combination. Lovely.

"The Kelowna Art Gallery is undertaking an exciting project titled Preserves. This is a community-based initiative that will explore the history of Kelowna, and the stories of the people who have shaped the city. The results of this project will be shown as part of an exhibition at the Kelowna Art Gallery from November 2015 to January 2016."

Here is Maggie Shirley explaining the process of "preserving" our thoughts.

Steve is assembling his preserved jar of items. In it he's placed a drawing he did of the Kettle Valley rail train. Steve explained that once the railway was decommissioned, he was able to ride the track with a vehicle which fit the rails perfectly. What freedom!

Renata pouring the preserving liquid onto her political statement regarding a new modified apple which does not brown.

Other participants in the exercise with their jars.

Apex trail at Knox is really busy. The fine weather does make a difference. These are "Arrowleaf Balsamroot" flowers native to the Okanagan. 

The air is fragrant with flowering bushes and shrubs along the trail.

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