Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Okamino and Beyond

Monday, April 13, 2015

Nothing is quite as fragrant and allergy producing as Oregon Grape Holly in bloom. Luckily for me, it enhances the experience, but other members of the family are not as thrilled with it.  Makes you wonder why so many wild flowers are yellow. Must be a high attraction value for bees etc...

Well, the WRT hike is resplendent with these right now.

 If you ever had to imagine a seductively appealing trail, this would be it. Hard to imagine you're still fairly close to houses and the sights and feel of a city looking at this. 

There's a bright future for some in Kelowna. This is at the top of my hike, with no signs of economic slowdown. Excavation for footings for many houses going on.

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