Sunday 4 January 2015

Day 36 - Okamino and Beyond

Three raccoon were helping themselves to the peanuts I'd put out for the birds and throwing off the top to the composting bin last night.  Pretty cheeky, they stared at us from the deck through the patio door and set off our neighbour's motion activated spotlight. And all this time I thought it was cats making a mess.
The promised snowstorm has arrived and it started gently enough this morning but is now a serious dumping, BC style, meaning straight down and not horizontal like everywhere else in Canada.
We're both feeling better, though not completely rid of the colds and did one of my favourite hikes from home to downtown over hills and down Knox. Nicknames for these hikes coming soon and will help greatly with communicating where I want to go with the people who hike with me - mostly my husband.
Part of the thrill of being in motion is not knowing what you'll see next, like this bale of hay in the back of a truck. Wonder how much that weighs? Some of you know.

 A nice juniper separation between the walkers/bikers and the road. Very fragrant when one can smell.

You wouldn't even know you're in the city when you hike Knox.

White out conditions at the bottom of Knox.

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